PROGRAM ȘTIINȚIFIC Friday, 16 February 13:30–13:50 Official opening Conf. Dr. Viorica Rădoi, Dr. Mircea Dediu Welcome message 13:50– 15:20 Session I - OncoGenetica (I) Chair: Conf. Dr. Viorica Rădoi 13:50– 14:10 Epigenetic regulation in cancer - the potential role of "epi-drugs" in oncology Conf. Dr. Viorica Rădoi 14:10– 14:30 Challenges in the interpretation of BRCA variants Dr. Onda-Tabita Călugăru 14:30– 14:50 There is hereditary breast cancer beyond BRCA1 and BRCA2 - rare genetic syndromes of predisposition to breast cancer Conf. Dr. Adrian Trifa, Dr. Iulia Perva, Dr. Iulia Simina, Dr. Cătălin Munteanu 14:50– 15:10 NIPT and maternal malignacy Șef Lucrări. Dr. Lucian Pop 15:10– 15:20 Q&A 15:20– 16:00 Lunch Break 16:00– 16:30 Sattelite Symposium Eli - Lilly 16:30– 17:40 Session II –Surgery indications in patients with high genetical risk Chair: Prof. Dr. Alexandru Blidaru 16:30– 16:50 Prophylactic contralateral mastectomy in breast cancer patients Dr. Aniela Nodiți, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Blidaru 16:50– 17:10 Immediate breast reconstruction using alloplastic materials Dr. Linda Cernodolea Kanaan, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Blidaru 17:10– 17:30 Prophylactic gynecological procedures Dr. Mihaela Alexandra Radu, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Blidaru 17:30– 17:40 Q&A 17:40– 18:10 Sattelite Symposium Roche 18:10– 18:30 Break 18:30– 20:00 Session III –Impact of predictive biomarkers in the treatment of solid tumors Chair: Conf. Dr. Dana Stănculeanu 18:30– 18:50 Precision medicine in the treatment of colangiocarcinoma Dr. Răzvan Curcă 18:50– 19:10 BRCA status assessment across various tumor locations: what for now and what for the future ? Prof. Dr. Șerban Negru 19:10– 19:30 Impact of predictive biomarkers in breast cancer Conf. Dr. Dana Stănculeanu 19:30– 19:50 EGFR pathway alterations in the management of colon and lung cancer Prof. Dr. Tudor Ciuleanu 19:50– 20:00 Q&A Saturday, 17 February 09:00– 10:30 Session IV - Personalized treatment choice in solid tumors (I) Chair: Dr. Mircea Dediu 09:00– 09:20 Various options for genomic testing in breast cancer : how to choose and how to use ? Dr. Dragoș Median 09.20– 09.40 How to refine the NSCLC treatment according to the PD-L1 expression ! Prof. Dr. Laura Mazilu 09.40– 10.00 Implementing biomarker assessment in the landscape of urinary bladder approach Conf. Dr. Laurentia Galeș
10.00– 10.20 Is gastric cancer moving towards a personalized treatment ? Dr. Mircea Dediu 10.20– 10.30 Q&A 10.30– 10.45 Sattelite Symposium Servier Pharma 10:45– 11:00 Break 11:00– 11:15 Sattelite Symposium Merck BAVENCIO: Extending survival for patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma Dr. Mircea Dediu 11:15– 13:05 Session V - OncoGenetica (II) Chair: Conf. Dr. Viorica Rădoi 11:15– 11:35 The role of a RCMG in the multidisciplinary and personalized approach to the oncological patient - results and perspectives within RCMG Dolj Dr. Răzvan Pleșea
11:35– 11:55 Genetic factors involved in the etiopathology of skin cancers Andra Dan, Conf. Dr. Viorica Rădoi
11:55– 12:15 The profile of genetic mutations in women diagnosed with gynecological cancers Nicoleta Andreescu, Miruna Gug
12:15– 12:35 MiR - MiRacle diagnostic in oncology? Dr. Iulian Hotinceanu
12:35– 12:55 Non-BRCA pathogenic variants identified in breast and ovarian cancer patients from Western Romania Cristina GUG, Miruna GUG 12:55– 13:05 Q&A 13:05– 14:05 Sattelite Symposium AstraZeneca 14:05– 14:45 Lunch Break 14:45– 16:15 Session VI- Contribution of varius genomic and genetic detection in the treatment of cancers Moderator: Conf. Dr. Adina Croitoru 14:45– 15:05 Relevance of MSI status in the treatment of digestive cancers Conf. Dr. Adina Croitoru 15:05– 15:25 Confirmed and promising predictive biomarkers in ovarian and uterine cancers Conf. Dr. Michael Schenker 15:25– 15:45 Updates in genetic testing of malignant melanoma Asist. Univ. Dr. Cerasela Paraschiv
15:45– 16:05 Pathways to Progress: Unveiling the Latest Insights and Advancements in Lynch Syndrome Research from 2023 - a scientific review made by Romanian Society for Lynch Syndrome Șef Lucrări Dr. Oana Voinea
16:05– 16:15 Q&A 16:15– Official Closure
CONFERINȚA VA FI PRECEDATĂ DE WORKSHOP-ULNoi orizonturi în oncogenetică – A hands on approach 16 februarie 20248.00-12.30Locație: Spitalul Sanador
Workshop creditat cu 4 credite EMC PARTEA I – ASPECTE TEORETICEIdentificarea indivizilor eligibili pentru evaluarea riscului de cancer ereditar și consiliere genetică – Andra DanComponente ale evaluării genetice a riscului de cancere ereditare – Iulian HotinceanuConsiderații privind testele genetice optime pentru fiecare caz în parte – Dr. Viorica RădoiImplicații etice, legale și sociale ale testării genetice în oncologie – Mălina Burtavel
PARTEA A II A – ASPECTE PRACTICETestare NGS și interpretare date de secvențiereExamen citogenetic maduvă hematogenăMutații somatice și germline. Secvențiere și MLPATeste de farmacogenetică – Gene acționabile în patologia malignăPrincipii de elaborare a planului de management în funcție de genotipul tumoral și al pacientului
Taxă de participare la workshop Taxa unică: 150 RON |